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Calgary to Dublin, Ireland - $567 CAD roundtrip including taxes | off-season flights
British Airways has dropped the price of their January and February 2017 flights from Calgary to Dublin, Ireland down to $567 CAD roundtrip including taxes.
However, most of the flights require transferring yourself from London's Heathrow airport, to London's Gatwick airport on the way there.
It's possible to select from a variety of flights that give you between 5 to 22 hours to make this transfer.
For most people, this will be the wrong time of year. But it is certainly an unusually low price, just in case anyone can make use of it.
You can also find flights from Calgary to Newcastle, England (NCL) for $593 CAD roundtrip. These flights do not require an airport transfer.
Availability for travel
January, February 2017
How to find and book this deal
1. Go to Momondo
2. Search for a flight from Calgary to Dublin, Ireland (DUB)
Try one of the following date combinations:
- Try dates in January or February 2017
RETURN dates
- Try dates in January or February 2017
3. Once the Momondo search results load, you can try clicking on 'British Airways has another XX similar results...'
This will allow you to choose from a variety of flights that have different stopover lengths in London.
screenshot from Momondo.ca
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Calgary to Europe | Nov 2014 to Apr 2015 from $680 roundtrip including taxes