'How To Get The Best Deal' Guides

Thursday, February 6th 2025

"I'm a travel junkie who's hooked on deals from YYC." - Chris Myden

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KLM asking people to vote on which city they should put on sale


So, KLM has narrowed it down to two finalists, Amsterdam and Istanbul. They've introduced a 'second round', where the voting essentially starts over.

Please vote Istanbul, a chance for a price like this may never be seen again. If Istanbul gets the most Likes and Comments, they will be putting it on sale for $749.

All you need to go is go to KLM Canada's Facebook page and hit Like under the picture of Istanbul and make a Comment.

*Important* - Make sure you're hitting Like and leaving a comment for the correct destination! Istanbul is the second picture, you may need to scroll down to see it.

Their Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/KLMCanada



KLM is doing something pretty interesting (for an airline), and asking Canadians to vote on which city they would like to see go on sale for 48 hours.

Whichever city gets the most votes will be put on sale for $749 roundtrip after taxes from Calgary. To some of these cities this would be an excellent price, a price that Calgary has never seen.

The cities you can choose from are:

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Barcelona, Spain
Bucharest, Romania
Dublin, Ireland
Istanbul, Turkey

Now I don't want to influence the voting (Ok, maybe I do) but I *really* think you should vote for somewhere other than Amsterdam.

Western Canada sees the occasional great price to Amsterdam on Air Transat from time to time, and has even seen prices in the $500s (roundtrip after taxes).

Cities like Istanbul, Turkey on the other hand, will *never* see a great price like this, so it's a very rare opportunity to get there cheaply.

Ok, full disclosure, I've always wanted to go to Turkey, so if you can't make a decision about which city you'd like to vote for, or as a personal favor to me, please vote Istanbul. :)

To vote, go to http://www.facebook.com/KLMCanada - you will need to Like their Facebook page to vote.

Hit Like if you like this innovative idea from KLM! Click Share to show your friends on Facebook.

Yes, you can now be notified of YYC Deals by e-mail

I've had a fair number of requests over the last few months, especially from people that aren't on Facebook, asking if there was any way they could be notified by e-mail when I post a deal.

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Response from Air Canada: 'Our fares aren't guaranteed'

On Thursday I received a reply from the Air Canada executives regarding the deal to South America via airfare.com that didn't pan out. Here's what they had to say:

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So I've just heard back from Air Canada about the botched deal to South America

Dear Mr. Myden,

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Why you should *never* use airfare.com to book a flight - and my apologies for a deal that didn't pan out

So on Thursday evening I reported a deal to Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile - both were showing up on airfare.com for an incredible price of $530 roundtrip after tax.

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So, I'm now blogging for a large Canadian media conglomerate

Last month, a kind soul and devoted reader took the time to point out to me that Sympatico.ca was looking to fill the position of 'Travel deal blogger' for the Travel section of their giant web portal.

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WestJet announces 'Blue Tag Thursdays' - will they deliver?

WestJet has just announced that every Thursday @ 1 PM MST they are going to offer 'one great deal' for just a few hours only.

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Help A Calgarian Win the World's Best Job

Many of you graciously suggested that I should apply for the 'Paradise Hunter' dream job of 52 weeks paid vacation to travel the world. I appreciate it, but I think I would miss friends & family too much, and besides, who would keep you up to date on the best deals?

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Calgary Flight Deals Facebook Group 5 is full ... Group 6 now open

Thanks to everyone for all the great support, and I'm glad you're enjoying the deals and following along on Facebook. There are now about 25,000 Calgarians that have joined.

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Link Exchange: Calgary Deals Blog

Raymond over at the Calgary Deals Blog asked if he could share the deals posted on YYC Deals on his blog.

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