Calgary to Tokyo, Japan - $596 CAD roundtrip including taxes | various other places in Japan for $98 more
United Airlines is showing flights from Calgary to Tokyo, Japan for $596 CAD roundtrip including taxes. Various other places in Japan are available for $98 more.
Availability for travel
September, October, and November 2016
January, February, March, and April 2017
How to find and book this deal
1 Go to Momondo.ca and search for a flight from Calgary to Tokyo, Japan (TYO)
2. Try one of the following date combinations:
(for longer trips, you can try mixing and matching the departure and return dates from the list below)
Sep 7 to Sep 21
Sep 12 to Sep 26
Sep 19 to Oct 3
Sep 21 to Oct 5
Sep 26 to Oct 10
Oct 3 to Oct 17
Oct 5 to Oct 19
Oct 17 to Oct 31
Oct 19 to Nov 2
Oct 24 to Nov 7
Oct 26 to Nov 9
Oct 31 to Nov 14 (ignore the $566 flights)
Nov 2 to Nov 16
Nov 7 to Nov 21
Nov 14 to Nov 28 (ignore the $566 flights)
Nov 21 to Dec 5 (ignore the $566 flights)
Nov 23 to Dec 7
Jan 11 to Jan 25
Jan 16 to Jan 30
Jan 18 to Feb 1
Jan 23 to Feb 6
Jan 25 to Feb 8
Jan 30 to Feb 13
Feb 1 to Feb 15
Feb 6 to Feb 20
Feb 8 to Feb 22
Feb 13 to Feb 27 (ignore the $566 flights)
Feb 15 to Mar 1
Feb 20 to Mar 6
Feb 22 to Mar 8
Feb 27 to Mar 13
Mar 1 to Mar 15
Mar 6 to Mar 20
Mar 8 to Mar 22
Mar 13 to Mar 27
Mar 15 to Mar 29
Mar 20 to Apr 3 (ignore the $566 flights)
Mar 22 to Apr 5 (ignore the $566 flights)
Mar 27 to Apr 10
Mar 29 to Apr 12
Note that the first result shown on Momondo doesn't always seem to be the best flight option.
Once you've expanded the results to show all flight options, you may find better/faster flights for $596 by scrolling down.
TIP: You can also try clicking on 'Max 1. Stop' on the left hand side after the Momondo search completes.
3. Click through from Momondo to FareBoom for booking.
NOTE: Some dates are jumping in price by $300+ when you go to actually book them on FareBoom. So far I've had the best luck with verifying the $596 prices on FareBoom that have 1 stop each way. If you find any $566 prices, they always seem to jump in price.
It's a little worrisome that FareBoom is the only booking site showing this price at the moment. Sometimes it's an indication of a price that the booking site can't come through on.
But there have been some extremely low prices to Tokyo offered from Canada at various times in the last 6 months offered by United and ANA. A similar price drop did occur on ANA back in early July.
UPDATE 8/23 - It looks like FareBoom has been able to get these flights ticketed. e-ticket numbers have been issued (meaning the airline has issued an actual ticket #, solidifying the booking).
screenshot from Momondo.ca
UPDATE 8/23 - Calgary to Sapporo, Japan (CTS) or Fukuoka, Japan (FUK) is also available for $694 CAD roundtrip including taxes. Sapporo is a great airport to fly into if you've ever wanted to try skiing in Japan (Jan/Feb/Mar is ski season). The famous Sapporo Snow Festival is in February.
1. Go to Momondo.ca
2. Search for a flight from Calgary to...
Sapporo, Japan (CTS) - $694 CAD roundtrip
Try Tuesday to Tuesday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
Try Wednesday to Wednesday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
Try Thursday to Thursday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
^^ after the results load, slide the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left to 44
Fukuoka, Japan (FUK) - $694 CAD roundtrip
- Try Wednesday to Wednesday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
^^ after the results load, slide the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left to 44
3. Click through from Momondo to FareBoom for booking.
Calgary to Okinawa, Japan (OKA) is also available for $694 CAD roundtrip including taxes.
From Japan-Guide.com...
"Okinawa has a sub-tropical climate, with temperatures rarely falling below 15C even in winter. The seas surrounding Okinawa's islands are considered among the world's most beautiful with coral reefs and abundant marine wildlife. Consequently, snorkeling and scuba diving are among Okinawa's top attractions."
1. Go to Momondo.ca
2. Search for a flight from Calgary to...
Okinawa, Japan (OKA) - $694 CAD roundtrip
Try Tuesday to Tuesday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
Try Wednesday to Wednesday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
Try Thursday to Thursday dates between September 2016 and March 2017
^^ after the results load, slide the 'Max Flight Duration' slider on the left to 46
3. Click through from Momondo to FareBoom for booking.
What about flying into one city in Japan, and home from another?
I have found that it is possible to find multi-city fares for around $654 CAD including taxes. This is a great way to start off (or end) in Tokyo, and explore the rest of Japan without having to backtrack.
1. Start directly at FareBoom
(starting your search at Momondo does not seem to work for these multi-city trips)
2. Click on 'Multi-City' (it's on the right hand side)
Focus on the same months as the regular roundtrip flights:
September, October, and November 2016
January, February, March, and April 2017
(you may find that you need to depart by late March to get this price, but can come back in April)
3. Here are some of the possible combinations:
TOKYO & OSAKA (KYOTO) - $654 including taxes
Calgary to Tokyo (TYO)
Osaka (KIX) to Calgary
Calgary to Osaka (KIX)
Tokyo (TYO) to Calgary
^^ I found that Tuesday to Tuesday date combinations work best, and found some with decent travel times (18 hours there, 15 hours home, 1 stop each way)
^^ Osaka is a short high speed train ride from Kyoto.
^^ The fares that come up as $619 do not verify when you go to book them. Focus on the $654 or $656 fares.
^^ The first fare displayed is not always the fastest flights.
TOKYO & OKINAWA - $644 including taxes
Calgary to Tokyo (TYO)
Okinawa (OKA) to Calgary
Calgary to Okinawa (OKA)
Tokyo (TYO) to Calgary
^^ I found that Monday to Monday, or Tuesday to Tuesday, or Wednesday to Wednesday, or Thursday to Thursday date combinations work best, and the fastest flights had 19 hours of travel time there, and 22 home.
^^ The fares that come up as $610 do not verify when you go to book them. Focus on the $644 fares.
^^ The first fare displayed is not always the fastest flights.
TOKYO & SAPPORO - $647 including taxes
Calgary to Tokyo (TYO)
Sapporo (CTS) to Calgary
Calgary to Sapporo (CTS)
Tokyo (TYO) to Calgary
Mon - 18/18 $647
^^ I found that Monday to Monday, or Tuesday to Tuesday, or Wednesday to Wednesday, or Thursday to Thursday date combinations work best, and the fastest flights had 19 hours of travel time there, and 22 home.
^^ Focus on the $644 or $647 fares. The $647 fares seem to be the best ones.
^^ The first fare displayed is not always the fastest flights.
What about ditching Tokyo altogether?
It does look like you can mix and match the 2 Japanese cities you fly in and out of, and Tokyo does not need to be one of the destinations involved.
For example, into Okinawa (OKA) and home from Sapporo (CTS) gives a price of $694. There are all kinds of different possibilities.
Try any combination you want, and follow similar advice given above about which dates and days of the week to try.
There are a few other airports that work with this deal:
Nagoya (NGO)
Fukuoka (FUK)
screenshot from FareBoom
Where to stay in Tokyo?
The map below will show you some great deals on accommodations in an ideal location in Tokyo for under $99 CAD/night for 2 people.
Shinjuku is my pick for the best area to stay in Tokyo.
E-mail reply of the day
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14 Responses to "Calgary to Tokyo, Japan - $596 CAD roundtrip including taxes | various other places in Japan for $98 more"
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Is fare boom a reliable site to purchase tickets? Anyone with prior experience?
For inexpensive digs in Tokyo, try the Kangaroo Hotel. It is in an area Tokyo folks say is a "rough part of town" -- basically no worse than Hastings and Main in Vancouver. Lots of homeless guys, but the area is being gentrified...
Awesome place, small private lockable rooms, shared facilities. Staff are largely bilingual, very helpful and friendly. Easy access to major transit stations from Minami Shinju. Access directions were a bit confusing.
Near Minami Shinju station is Cafe Muse - owner's wife loves taking pictures of foreigners for her wall of visitors. Go have a morning set - coffee, boiled egg, toast - to start your day!
Just booked this ... status is "Customer Ordered". Will let you know when/if/not the tickets are issued.
Thanks John!
Thank you for this alert!!!! I have been hunting for cheap tickets to Japan for a while now and it was an amazing surprise to see these low fares.
Booked two tickets for two weeks in the end of March, 597 CAD each. E-Tickets arrived shortly!
I booked with Fareboom back when there was a sale in May when ANA had their sale. I was worried too because of the reviews and mainly because they were the only site at the time that had a great sale. When I booked my flight I tried to create an account with them and it didn't work. I had to call and email them to get my username and password so I can check my flight status. Got me really worried about that.
Once that was rectified and I logged in, I received the status as "Customer Ordered" and it was like that for over a day. I called the customer service line the first day asking them what that meant. They said that it meant it was in queue/processing or something like that with ANA. I called back the second day and they said they were still working with ANA to honor the sale because I had already booked it. Once it went through I received a text message on my phone saying to check my email for my e-tickets. I checked my email and received e-ticket. I also logged into their website and it showed that it went through. The status of the ticket said "completed closed." Because of my paranoia I emailed them and asked what that meant along with other questions with their answers:
1) I received my electronic ticket through email. Does this absolutely mean that my flight booking has been confirmed? I logged into your website and the status says "completed closed," what does that mean?
Receiving electronic ticket(s) means that passengers are confirmed on all flights in the itinerary. Status “Completed closed” means that the reservation was successfully processed (i'm hiding parts of my info for obvious reasons).
2) If my flight is indeed confirmed as being booked, please confirm ANA is honoring the price that i purchased my 3 tickets for ($1234.56)
You can double check the charges by checking your billing statement—you should see 3 charges (under ANA’s name) and one credit (under Fareboom’s name)
3) If there are any sort of changes to my flights, will you email and notify me?
For any involuntary schedule changes FareBoom will advise you via email.
4) Please confirm the information you have is for my flight for Month of 2017
Your travel dates are as you selected them: Month 12 --- Month 123
5) Please verify what each code means and which ones I am to refer to if I need to call ANA airlines for any reason
- Airline Record Locator(s):
PD0SKJV, - 4520JHOJ0
- Ticket no.: 205-21654561531, 205-5683213212, 205-55341351321 --- electronic ticket Numbers for each passenger (you can confirm them by calling ANA directly)
PD6SDFSD – Air Canada Confirmation Number
62DSDFSYF --- ANA Confirmation Number
I checked on ANA's actual website with the Ticket number above and it was confirmed my booking went through.
My flight is not until next year but I am a bit more relieved that my booking went through. I will check closer to the day of my flight of any changes just in case. I hope this helps everyone because I was very paranoid too. I've been to Japan and its one of my fav countries to visit!!
Olga and Rosemary, thanks for the updates and info.
Olga: Did you receive a 13-digit e-ticket # ?
The bottom line with any flight booking, whether it's through Fareboom or any other agency, is that you want the 13-digit e-ticket # to be issued. Once the 13-digit e-ticket # is issued, your ticket has been issued by the airline, and everything is golden.
Some booking sites will initially send you a confirmation e-mail, usually with a 6 to 8 character code (booking reference or confirmation number) which doesn't really mean anything. The key is the 13-digit e-ticket # needs to be issued for your booking to be solidified.
Once the 13-digit e-ticket # is issued you can often even log in to the airline's website directly to see your booking.
Fareboom isn't super well known in Canada, but they've been around for a while (over 14 years). I can't speak to their customer service, as I have not seen many Canadians mention FareBoom.
Their About Us page is refreshingly candid, and mentions that they employ 'seasoned travel professionals' as opposed to 'inexpensive labor overseas labour that is going to waste your time and annoy you with monotonous “yes, sir” answers to all your questions.
When combined with the fact that their site offers some innovative search features, beyond the typical cookie-cutter template that you see on a lot of sites, and their A+ rating with the BBB, I get an overall good feeling about them, and will be adding them to the Booking Site Power Rankings on the next update.
That's good to know, thanks Chris! Yeah when I received all these confirmation numbers and the E-ticket number I didn't know which one I was to refer to (I jumbled up my e-ticket and confirmation numbers above outta privacy btw). You're right, when I called their customer service a few times I was able to talk to someone that was not from overseas ( i think they are based in LA?). I think one of the downsides is that their customer service is not available 24/7 - i think its office hours. Some reviews complain about changing their booking or cancelling and they didn't receive a refund or got tacked with penalty fees. Before I booked my flight I read all the fine print and information and its all stated there.
So far I'm happy but we will see once I actually board my flight and there aren't any surprises lol.
BTW Chris, I tell ALL my co-workers about your site and alot of people book their vacations now based on what you post!
Thanks Rosemary!
Yes, there are certainly times where third party booking sites deserve the flack they take in reviews. But I also find there are 2 things that lead to a lot of the negative reviews, that really don't have anything to do with the booking site:
1) The airline makes a change to the itinerary of the flight (departure times, etc). For some reason, people often think it's the booking site or travel agency making this change. They have no control over the schedule changes of an airline, and are just the messenger. If the booking site doesn't keep the customer updated on this however, they deserve the flack.
2) Not understanding that making a change to a booked airfare (date change, refund, etc) will always cost a lot in fees, whether it's booked through a third party booking site or the airline directly.
The booking sites usually tack on a $50 service fee that an airline would not, but the rest is coming from the airline itself, with the booking site relaying that cost. The people that don't understand this usually feel like the booking site is charging them really high fees.
Thank you, Chris, everything is in order!
FareBoom turned out to be an amazing site for finding great deals, they have some features (map with all the fares for any month of your choice, random cheap deals for your home airport etc) which I haven`t seen in other travel sites.
I will use them in the future , for sure!
Hi Chris
Sorry for the delay - busy day:)
I have received confirmation including a 15 digit e-ticket number:
Format is nnn-nnnnnnnnnn-nn
I also booked for the end of March hoping to catch the Cherry blossoms.
I'll keep on eye on the Fareboom site for some other travel I've got coming up.
Thanks John! I appreciate the update! Sometimes the e-ticket number has some extra digits. Glad to hear FareBoom has been able to ticket these!
Booked late last night on Fareboom for travel to Tokyo in Feb 2017 ($537 each with connection in Denver on United) and got my confirmed eticket early this morning. I double checked the tickets on the airline website and its legit. Thanks Chris on informing on the deal!!!!
Excellent, thanks Alex!